Gist on Love

Our Gist on Love: Falling in love does’nt happen once, twice, but many times. Young love, is beautiful, innocent and exciting! But lets be honest and realistic, there’s a time when it reaches its stage of being alive. Its all part of growing up! And we think we know it all by then, how surprisingly wrong we are! You might think at later stages in your life and reminiscene whether that was love, yes it was! It was more of an introduction of things to come. As we grow older, we meet and feel all types of love, a crush, an infatuation, desire, you name it, its all there. This stage can be life changing too. It opens your eyes to the wonders and the dissapointments that comes with it. You get hurt, sometimes at breaking point, you make mistakes sometimes hurting others feelings, you experience the pain of deceit, betrayal, which can all bear scars and unconsciously drive you to build up walls, but you get stronger and grow braver, time is a healer. Being cautious becomes second nature, guarding your heart, but also makes you more considerate, compassionate. You learn the importance of life choices and the consequences, you learn to spot the mistakes and mishaps, your sixth senses are piqued. You can clearly conclude exactly what you want and what you don’t want, what you need and don’t need. Then finally, with the sense of never ever finding that soulmate, or accepting the fact that it may be non-existent, resonating to accepting where we are at this point of our life, and that we are complete no matter what, but there is, deep down, the hope that your soulmate do exist. Keep your hope ajar, for like a breath of fresh air, they might unexpectedly drift into your life, awakening the yearning for someone close to you, the excitement, the adventures, the flirting, someone to grow old together, holding hands just feels so fulfilling, the unexpected someone, that gets you, the person that manages to break down your walls and do it so artistically, considerably and kindly that you don’t even realise it! They make you feel complete and ready to face the world together, you derive strength from each other, acceptance of each others quirkiness, habits, shortcomings and past misdeeds, it may be hard but its all worth it, the loneliness, the despair, all are but a fading memory. You feel excited  and alive again and the daunting and lonely future seems to not matter anymore. You don’t need another human to feel complete, but in reality, lets be honest, lonliness can have a huge impact on your well-being, so why not give it a try, its never ever too late, anything is possible, happy endings do happen! Cheers to Love and never giving up!